Our parish was founded in 1792, and since that day it has been a house of prayer and a gathering place not only for its parishioners, but for the entire town. We are proud of our history and beautiful buildings, but we are more than an historical site. We are a vibrant and growing community of faith which seeks to serve God through worship, outreach, and education. We hope you enjoy your visit to our website and we look forward to welcoming you in person.
Click the link below to watch and hear Lenten meditations from The Rev'd Leighton Lee.
Thursday, March 27, 2025 - Click Here to View Video
Lent is an important time in the Christian life for reflection and penitence. Often, we mark this season with daily devotional readings for a desired soulful introspection. Music provides a non-verbal access to the working of the soul in a similarly deep and emotionally introspective way.
To encourage this musical approach to your Lenten pilgrimage, I am offering a daily musical “reflection” video for each of the 40 days of Lent. Debuting on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and running through to the Eve of Palm Sunday, click on the photo below to experience a daily organ work based on Lenten hymns and scriptural themes written by composers from the early Baroque to contemporary times. You will hear and see the organs at St. Mark’s and understand the context of the selection with my short introduction.
Sundays in Lent are less sombre as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord. To represent this, you will experience videos of organ music recorded on some of the larger churches in London, Guelph, Toronto and St. Catharines.
Would you consider leaving a comment about your response to the music? What emotions might the piece have stirred up in you? Did the music bring to mind a biblical story or a moment in your own pilgrimage? Maybe the music reminded you of a story or experience you might feel comfortable sharing. Please leave your comment at michaelbloss@hotmail.com
It is my fondest hope that these musical vignettes can become a part of your Lenten practice.
Michael Bloss, Director of Music
March 27 - Meditation on "Be Thou My Vision" (Franklin Ashdown)
March 28 - Prelude on "Lord Jesus Think On Me" (Bert Carlson)
March 29 - Chorale Prelude on "Herzliebster Jesu" (Helmut Walcha)
March 30 - The Fourth Sunday in Lent. Choral No. 1 in E (Cesar Franck). Basilica of Our Lady, Guelph, ON
March 31 - Chorale Prelude on "Jesu meine Freude" BWV 713. (J.S. Bach)
April 1 - Introitus on "Herzliebster Jesu" (Gordon Slater)
April 2 - Chorale Prelude on "Herzliebster Jesu" (Johannes Brahms)
April 3 - Chorale Prelude on "o wie selig". (Healey WIllan)
April 4 - Chorale Fantasia on "Christ lag in todesbanden" BWV 718 (J.S. Bach)
April 5 - Chorale Prelude on "Valet will ich dir geben" BWV 735 (J.S. Bach)
Our rector, The Rev'd Leighton Lee, comes from Calgary where he was Dean of Calgary and Rector of the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer. He studied Art History at the University of Calgary and attended seminary at the General Theological Seminary in New York City.